GAMARET music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

flames of desire 

born to get higher 

born to be free 


in the spirit of 1970 

this is when you came to be 

purple haze and blackberry 


in the spirit of 1970 

this is when you came to be 

colorful and peppery 

you were meant to blend 

but you set yourself free 

no one could deny 

your density 


you were meant to blend 

but you rather stand out 

you’re a tough mother… 

other wines better watch out 


you were meant to blend 

deep purple child 

your color is bold 

driving other wines wild 


you were meant to blend 

such a peppery tease 

you’re so resilient 

standing your ground with ease


flames of desire 

born to get higher 

born to be free 



An early grape, productive and disease-resistant. Initially planned to add color to blended wines but was soon discovered to be a great soloist. Developed in 1970 by André Jaquinet as a cross between Gamay and Reichensteiner. 

Nose: Aromas of black fruit, spices. 

Mouth: Very rich in color, dense yet lively, black fruit aromas over slightly spicy, grainy tannins. 


HUMAGNE ROUGE music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

I’m never gonna wipe that 

Humagne Rouge of your lipstick trace 

I will never erase last night 

Ruby my dear 

I remember you here 

with your dark smokey eyes 

you are my demise 


Ruby ma chère 

ton rouge à lèvres sur mon verre 

que jamais ne s’efface 

la trace de la nuit dernière 

que jamais ne s’enlève 

le souvenir de ton rouge à lèvres 


I woke up this morning 

with my head exploding 

your subtle attack 

turned me into a wreck 

whatever happened last night 

I gave up that fight 

to resist your charms 

I was lost in your arms 

bewitched, bothered and bewildered was I 

bewitched, bothered and bewildered was I 


comme je veux 

tes yeux charbonneux 

je me jette 

sous tes conquêtes violettes 

chacune de tes souples attaques 


je t’en supplie partage 

tes fruits sauvages 

ensorcelée, égarée, déboussolée tu m'enivres 

ensorcelée, égarée, déboussolée tu m'enivres 


I’m never gonna wipe that 

Humagne Rouge of your lipstick trace 

I will never erase last night 

Ruby my dear 

how I want you near 

with your dark violet lips 

kissing my fingertips 

Ruby ma chère 

ton rouge à lèvres sur mon verre 

que jamais ne s’efface 

la trace de la nuit dernière 

et je rêve 

de l’Humagne Rouge de tes lèvres 



A vigorous grape that ripens late and makes wines who seduce with rustic aromas of wild fruits, wooded undergrowth, bark and violets. An old cross made in Val d’Aosta, Italy, between Cornalin and an unknown variety, which came to Valais via the Great Saint Bernard pass at the end of the 19th century. 

Nose : Floral aspect (gentian or violet) with a “venison” presence, cocoa and Suze bitters. 

Mouth : Oak bark is characteristic. Supple but the finish is tighter. 


HEIDA music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

Heida Heida 

der geit ind Bei da 

der Heida 


dum Thedül hets gitröümt 

är miessegi uf Rom 

dass är der Papscht im Dom 

nu zitig chenne rette 

schich nit in fremde Bette 

unflätig la z beriehre 

und ds Seelesheil verliere 



dri Tifeltini spilund in schinum Gartu 

der Thedül het nimme länger chenne wartu 

är frägut schi wie gschnäll dass schi sind 

wiene Kanonuschuss und gschnäller als der Wind 


ds dritta seit gschnäller als es Fröji cha deichu 

da weisser wiener Rom nu hina chat erreichu 

wenn dü mich embri und zrugg chasch fleigu 

versprächi mini Seel ich tüe nit leigu 


vorum erschte Sunnuschii 

miess wer aber zrugg in Sitte si 



ischi Hähne sellent nisch als Schidsrichtra waltu 

der Thedül isch schich aber mit schim Güggel ga kaltu 

und heimlich het er mitum abgmacht 

dass är wachu tiege di ganzi Nacht 


z Rom hendsch der Papscht 

nu vor dum Sündufall erreicht 

der het dum Jodru fa barum Dank 

e Chirchuglogga gscheicht    



samt der Glogga isch der Tifel scho 

am morge am zwei uber de Thedül Pass cho 

der Bischofsgüggel het das Paar sofort verno 


ja kräjet hetter wie verreckt 

und derbi der schwarzi Güggel gweckt 

der het gmeint äs sige Tag und het mitkräjet was er mag 


der Tifel fa barum Zoru 

dass är di Wett het verloru 

het afa wietu und tobe 

und gufrut di Glogga ine Bode 


der Thedül rieft Donna Donna lit 

dass oh Wunder di Glogga ganzi blibt 

der Tifel het d Angscht ergriffu 

und het schich ind Hell emab verschliffu 


sither heichtsch in Tärbinu im Chirchuturm 

und schützut der Heida vor jedum Sturm 

sither heichtsch in Tärbinu im Chirchuturm 

und schützut der Heida vor jedum Sturm 


z Tärbinu da tricht mu 

Heida, Heida 

der geit ind Bei da 

der Heida 


Heida or Païen, comes from the Savagnin grape - which is also known as Traminer. First grown around the village of Visperterminen in up to 1150m  altitude, some of the highest vines in Europe. Its pagan name implies that it appeared before Christianity. It is said to be the “pearl of the Alps” and has a reputation to “weaken your legs” before you know it. 

Nose: Gently aromatic with wild, rustic notes of stale rye bread, dried fruit, citruses and exotic fruit. 

Mouth: Good length and associated vinosity, refreshing liveliness and structure. Sustained acidity. Can be consumed young, as well as after a few years in the cellar. 


PINOT OU FENDANT music Eliane Amherd, lyrics Pauline Lugon 

Qu’est-ce que tu prends ? Pinot ou Fendant ? 


3 heures du mat 

dans un dancing défraîchi 

à l’heure où tout est permis 

au Spycher, on a tous atterris 

on se sent libres et affranchis 

on parle fort, on s’endort 

plus de partis 

les verres de rouge 

de vert, de jaune ou noir 

tout devient gris 

on se mêle à l’aristocratie 

am morge am drii 


11 heures du mat 

au bistrot du village 

tout enveloppés de fumée 

on étouffe 

car c’est l’apéro 

on sort de la messe en famille 

on parle fort, même à tort 

on est gamin 

on goûte au vin 

on n’a pas l’âge 

mais c’est pas grave 

il faudra attendre quelques années pour apprécier 


les églises seraient moins peuplées que ça si l’apéro qui suit n’existait pas 

la vie serait moins enivrante 


dans n’importe quelle situation 

il est important de bien choisir son camp 

Pinot ou Fendant et toi mon ami valaisan 

est-ce que ton coeur balance entre le rouge et blanc 

Pinot ou Fendant ? 



les vendanges sont finies 

on a le temps de se noyer dans un ballon de Fendant 

ou dans les yeux de sa belle, c’est selon 

on se fait la cour, les heures s’étirent 

la terre, petit à petit, s’arrondit 

et l’été prochain, on récoltera enfin le fruit 

de l’après-midi 


j’en connais certains qui ne seraient pas là 

si le vin blanc fruité n’existait pas 

la vie serait moins pétillante 


dans n’importe quelle situation 

il est important de bien choisir son camp 

Pinot ou Fendant et toi mon ami valaisan 

est-ce que ton coeur balance entre le rouge et blanc 

Pinot ou Fendant ? 



An early harvest. Resistant to dryness and cold. A success in Valais with its chalky soils and its diversity of terroirs, mirrored in Pinot’s very varied wines. 

Nose: Strawberry, raspberry. Subtlety and elegance. A riper fruit offers impressions of wet leather, tobacco, dead leaves, forest floor. 

Mouth: Intense fruit blended with natural glycerine and noble tannins. 


Chasselas, called Fendant in Valais, gets its name from a feature of the ripe grape: the skin and pulp melt or split ( fendre ) when pressed gently between fingers. An early, vigorous plant, able to adapt to many soils and micro-climates, reflecting the subtlety of each terroir. 

Nose: Floral aspect tending towards lime tree. Can be fruity with a mineral character ( flint, hazelnut ) due to the terroir. 

Mouth: Often slightly bubbly. Playful, light and easy to drink. The fruit tends towards lemon or well-ripened apple. 

Pinot and Fendant are the two most planted grapes in Valais. They are part of any social occasion. 


CORNALIN music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

you’re such a piece of work     

you greedy son of a gun 

the center of attention 

I cannot even mention 

the times you’ve done me wrong 

and you are always late 

I lost my faith and almost abandoned you 

but somehow I always knew 

with passion and obsession 

that my vision would come true 


when you were young 

you were so boisterous and strong 

your body sheer perfection 

fresh fruity your complexion 

a spicy carefree son 

unruly and wild 

an arrogant child 

but somehow I always knew 

if I took care of you 

with time you’d grow and shine 

and my vision would come true 


and now oh 

you’re the star of the show 

shameless noblesse, aristocratic finesse 

royalty all the way 

such a smooth operator 

everybody turns their head 

when you enter in your red 

cherry velvety robe, you’ve fulfilled my hope 

you went from sassy to classy 

et pour cela, tu es le roi 



toute seule 

je regarde la lune 

avec mon verre de Cornalin à la main


toute seule 

je regarde la lune 

avec mon verre de Cornalin à la main 


ta robe cerise foncé 

aux reflets violets 

parfumée par ton bouquet épicé 


tu m’as mise en transe 

avec ta suave élégance 

sacré charmeur 

en douceur 

t’as fait fondre mon coeur 

et tu m’enivres 

je ne sais plus comment vivre 

sans toi, mon roi 




First mentioned in the 14th century. Matures late, capricious during production and therefore nearly abandoned in the 20th century. Thanks to the perseverance of visionary producers it has become the king of the Valais reds. Deep cherry red color with rich purple highlights and fruity strength. When young it is impudent, wild, with a tonic and fresh body. With age it grows smooth, elegant, and classy. 

Nose: Spicy and fruity black cherry notes. 

Mouth: Intense, long, smooth fruit with elegant mouthfeel and well developed tannic structure. 


PETITE ARVINE music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

ce sont les fées 

qui t’ont touchée 

si cristalline 

Petite Arvine 


ce sont les vents 

que tu n’aimes pas 

t’es délicate 


pamplemousse mouse muse muse du valais 


ce sont les fées 

qui t’ont caressée 

princesse sublime 

Petite Arvine 


si éclatante 


étoile brillante 


pamplemousse mouse muse muse du Valais 


capricieuse et nerveuse et 

compliquée, précieuse et 

capricieuse et nerveuse 

petite emmerdeuse 

ananas, rhubarbe et ananas     


capricieuse et nerveuse et 

difficile, précieuse et 

capricieuse et nerveuse 

des formes généreuses 

ananas, rhubarbe et ananas 

blanche neige 



Internationally renowned wine, grown in Valais exclusively since 1602. A delicate grape, sensitive to wind, ripens late. Gives an exquisite range of wines: nervy dry with aromas of wisteria and grapefruit; slightly sweet with notes of rhubarb; and sweet flétris wines, often exceptionally concentrated, with intense aromas of exotic fruits. Said to be the “muse of the Valais”. 

Nose: Floral hint of wisteria or gentian. Pineapple, mango, passion fruit, grapefruit. 

Mouth: Complex, concentrated, virile and intense. Acidity can be high. Rhubarb notes. Subtle iodine-like character. 


JOHANNELY FY written by Connie Stadler and Speedy Jossen 

ds Johannely Fy 

isch Wirti zer Taferna gsi 

was mu in ira het gseh 

isch aber gsi nu vill meh 


en Fröi wa hibsch isch und gschit 

vertruwwu cha mu ra nit 

en Främdi nit va hie 

irusch Blicka verratunt schi sie 


ich bi ds Johannely Fy 

Wirti zer Taferna gsi 

hä Wasser üsgigä fer Wii 

jetzt müess i der Sündubock si 


d Fy Seel dum Tiifel verchöift 

dass ds Gschäft nu vil besser löift 

aber ds Gschäft löift ra eifach z güet 

was schi ächt susch nu verchöifu tüet 


im stillu Chämmerli da 

trifft schi schich mit jedum Maa 

ver eifach em biz Gsellschaft z ha laat schi das uber schich la ergah 


ich bi ds Johannely Fy 

Wirti zer Taferna gsi 

hä mi verchöift zume Glasji Wii 

fer nimme miessu elleinzig z sii 


en Flüech us irum Schoss 

laht d Männer nimme los 

verdirbt nisch d frommu Lit 

um d Wasserprob chuntsch nit 

es Zeichu müess jetz gä 

wier lä nisch nix la nä 

mit Mischtgable vor irum Hüs 

Jaget di Häx zum Tälli üs 


ich bi ds Johannely Fy 

Wirti zer Taferna gsi 

hä Wasser üsgigä fer Wii 

jetzt müess i ine chaltu Wassru si 


ich bi ds Johannely Fy 

Wirti zer Taferna gsi 

verdorbu hani du Wii 

erlösut chan i nie sii 



Celebrates the ambiguous myth of Johanna, a successful tavern owner around 1680 in the Simplon Pass region, accused of stretching wine with water. After her death she had to repent her sins for eternity in the alpine glacier waters. Legend has it, that you can still hear her laments at night. The ruins of her tavern still exist today. 


JOHANNISBÄRG music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

ich hä khehrt dü sigsch im Wallis im Momänt fer es par Täg 

oder bisch scho wäg 

dü per Züefall bin ich öi gat hie hä deicht ich mälde mich 

susch gseh wer nisch nie 

ich weiss dü deichsch was will de di jetz nach so langer Zit 

das gits ja nit 


äs tüet mer leid, ich häs verseit 

verruckt wie gschnäll, es Jahr vergeit 


ich chumu bi dier verbi und fräge mich 

was isch jetz scho wider so wichtig gsi 

dass ich fer dich 

keis Khehr hä kä, mier di Zit nit hä welle näh 

Ich chumu bi dier verbi 

und plötzlich isch alls Anndra gli 


ich hän e Johann derbi 

äs isch es güets Fläschi Wii 

chum wier triche uf iischi Fründschaft und ds Zäme si 

es Apéro 


Ich chumu bi dier verbi 

und plötzlich isch alls Anndra gli 


dü hesch Chind, es Hüs und ich hä Hind 

wier hei es anners Läbe, nimme gat vil z säge 

doch eu wenn wier iisch nimme so vil gseh 

dü weisch ich deichu an dich 

längi dich nie im Stich 


was iisch verbindut isch, was iischi Seel hie findu tüet 

das tüet iisch güet 

der Sunnuschii, es Glasji Wii 

Erinnrige und ds Zämu si 


Ich chumu bi dier verbi und fräge mich 

was isch jetz scho wider so wichtig gsi 

das ich fer dich 

keis Khehr hä kä 

mier di Zit nit hä welle näh 

Ich chumu bi dier verbi 

und plötzlich isch alls Anndra gli 


und öi nach so vilne Jahr 

wier si vam gliche Terroir 

chum ich scheichunt der nuch es Tropfji Johannis nah 

zum Apéro 


ich chumu bi dier verbi 

ich chumu bi dier verbi 

und plötzlich isch alls Anndra gli 



Sylvaner, known as Johannisberg in Valais, originated in Austria but is mainly planted by the Rhine river in Germany. It came to the Rhone valley mid 19th century. Sensitive to disease and cold, but nevertheless a vigorous plant. At home on light, schistose and gravelly soil. Ages well beyond 20 years. The perfect Apéro wine. 

Nose: Notes of infused flowers over a base of orchard fruits and almonds. 

Mouth: Vinous with a voluptuous mouthfeel. A pleasant bitterness of almonds lingers, coated by fattiness. Fully ripe harvests can tend towards pineapple. Tender, low in acidity. A dry or sweet wine. 


LAFNETSCHA music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

laff ne nit scho der Lafnetscha 

laff ne nit scho 

laff ne nit scho der Lafnetscha 

laff ne nit scho


they all called him crazy 

but Joe he wasn’t lazy 

he took his time with this sour wine 

and made it fresh and so divine 


Plantscher, Gwäss und Himbertscha 

der Gout isch nit fer jede Ma 

müesch schi wie der Lafnetscha 

nu em Biz in Rüeh la schtah 


der chunnt de scho nu güet 

äs brücht nu es bizji Müet 

müesch schi halt nu im Chäller laa 

so dass di Süüri chat vergah 


it’s gonna be just fine 

gotta give it a little time 

he’s gonna turn this sour wine 

and make it special and sublime 


Schpinner hendsch mu züekah 

aber z Josi het nit lugg glah 

jetz het er der Schlussel zum Paradiis 

und isch z Vischp in schinum Chäller fiis 


laff ne nit scho der Lafnetscha 

laff ne nit scho 

glu glu glu glu glu glug 

laff ne nit scho der Lafnetscha 

Laff ne nit scho 

don’t you touch it 

laff ne nit scho der Lafnetscha 

laff ne nit scho 

no no no ne le bois pas trop tôt 



An ancient grape from Upper Valais dating back to 1627. A natural cross between Completer and Valais native Humagne Blanc making complex, age worthy wines. Its name derives from “Laff nit scha”, which is the Wallis dialect for “Don’t drink yet” – a reference to the wine’s high natural acidity and consequent cellaring potential. 

Nose: Densely structured, with nectarine, elderflower, chamomile and Golden Delicious. 

Mouth: Pronounced acidity and a very persistent floral finish. 


FLEE FLAILING ( Tube man ) music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

Have I brushed my teeth or was this yesterday 

Flee flailing the day away 

Flee flailing the day away 

Did I take a bath or was this yesterday 

Flee flailing the day away 

Flee flailing the day away


Aimlessly waving my arms up and down 

I am anxiously flailing while glued to the ground 

I am restlessly flapping my limps through the air 

I got hours to spare 


Blending days  

Stuck in place 

Slowing pace 

Going no where 


Did I check my mail or was this yesterday 

Flee flailing the day away 

Flee flailing the day away 

Did I watch the news or was this yesterday 

Flee flailing the day away 

Flee flailing the day away 


Tired from waiting 

purpose deflating, procrastinating 



Drinking wine 

Feeling fine 

Most of the time 

waiting for better days…. 


Blending days 

Out of place 

Slowing pace 

Going no where 


QUARANTINI TIME music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd 

Happy hour just went sour 

everything has gone down the drain 

the city that never sleeps is taking a nap 

but we don’t complain 

smooth your troubles with vermouth 

use vodka or some gin will do just fine 

then hook up with your friends online 

it’s quarantini time!



 all music and lyrics by Eliane Amherd

Never is   

I remember the very first time

electrified by a thousand lights

bubbles rising up my spine

fired up by sleepless nights


New York New York, New York New York


but it never is like it used to be, it used to be, it used to

but it never is like it used to be, it used to be, it used to


I remember the day I arrived

I felt so excited I felt so alive

this is where I wanted to be

so sure of myself like they were waiting for me


New York New York

New York New York

but it never is like it used to be, it used to be, it used to

but it never is like it used to be, it used to be, it used to


and now we don’t even go out anymore

because we have been there we’ve done that before

sitting on the couch watching the city go by


and now we don’t even go out anymore

because we have been there we’ve done that before 

it’s all so expensive, New York left us high and dry


It’s funny however don’t you agree

how this old lady grew on me

still no place I’d rather be 

New York it isn’t you it’s me


it never is like it used to be, it used to be

to believe that it

never is like it used to be, it used to be, it used to


and despite your sky high atmosphere 

we are survivors we are still here

cause we have each other

we are creating our own world


and despite your sky high atmosphere 

we are survivors we are still here

we’re part of this, we are ones to keep that magic alive


New York New York

it’s ok that it

never is like it used to be, it used to be, it used to

it never is like it used to be, it used to be, it used to


Money ain’t no friend of mine


Money’s got a lot of friends but he’s no friend of mine

every time I call him up he’s ready to decline

ready to find an excuse, tryin’ to get him is no use

don’ know why I try so hard ‘cause he’s no friend of mine


Money always likes to go where money’s always been

has a taste for luxury the common’s not his scene

doesn’t like to make new friends, he sticks to what he knows

money’s at the country club and that’s where money goes


oh oh money money, money, money


well it’s understandable how awkward it must be

if he has to visit folks who won the lottery

they get all loud, they build a crowd around him

they don’t know how to help themselves around him


even worse is charity, oh my god what irony, that’s not where he wants to be

just to think of awful trends, like those benefit events

but a friend of money knows

money’s at the country club and that’s where money goes


oh oh money money, money, money


but lately he’s gotten a little bit fat

and lately he’s gotten a little bit sad


‘cause you see my days of chasing him around are done

and he knows he needs someone like me to have some fun


deep inside he knows that he has nothing going on

and he needs someone like me to show him how it’s done


but money you got a lot of friends keep hanging with your kind

I’ll find you at the country club, bored out of your mind


I’ll find you at the country club, bored out of your mind


Gonna get up


Oh the music keeps on playing through the middle of the night

oh the people keep on dancing til they see the morning light


oh the rhythm keeps on beating full of life and full of joy

oh the drummers keep defeating what you never can destroy


you will never bring us down with your crazy beliefs

we’re standing here we’re standing strong

we fight with love and peace


you wanna get us down but we gonna get up

you wanna get us down but we gonna get up


oh the trumpets keep on blaring til the rising of the sun

and the people are declaring we are living we have fun


you will never bring us down with your crazy beliefs

we’re standing here we’re standing strong

we fight with love and peace


you wanna get us down but we gonna get up

you wanna get us down but we gonna get up


oh the horns keep on blowing keep on blowing all night long

and the people are enjoying and the spirit’s growing strong


Counting grains of sand in Puerto Rico


I was a fool 

to think that I could take a plane

to think that I could fly away

and let the miles between us make the choices 


that I couldn’t face

and now I’m sitting on the shore

less certain than I was before

unwilling and unable to let go


the sun and the sea

are not doing it for me

the waves in the wind

are not enough

this time they’re not enough


I was cold

I tried to stay out of your way

exactly why I couldn’t say

it’s just that everything was more then slightly off beat

more then slightly off beat…


You're counting the raindrops in New York

I’m counting the grains of sand in Puerto Rico 


the sun and the sea

are not doing it for me

the waves in the wind

are not enough

this time they’re not enough


to save my soul 

not enough to save my love 

not enough to save my sanity

in this ocean of emotion  - not enough...


You're counting the raindrops in New York

I’m counting the grains of sand in Puerto Rico 


Knowing that i’m a fool


you came my way when i needed some affection

and i fell for the attraction to you

you had this way to make it seem o.k.

cause you never really loved her anyway


i gladly believed your half ass stories

i gladly ignored and didn’t worry

that i would make a fool of myself

that i would make and ass of myself


knowing that i’m a fool

i am still missing you and you have no idea

knowing that i’m a fool

i am still missing you and you have no idea


you couldn’t leave her side

for so many tears she cried

that’s why you blame her for your misery


the truth is my dear

that you are full of fear

to be a man who takes responsibility


and now instead to change your situation

you go ahead to be a slave of your frustration

and there you make a fool of yourself

and there you make an ass of yourself


i had to let you go

but knowing that i’m a fool...


Don’t wanna be


sometimes it happens that there’s too much love for one woman only

it seems it happens to me

but i don’t wanna be your love

can’t you see i don’t wanna be your love


your love is so strong strong like a man like you are

and i’m so scared of your eyes they’re eating me

and i’m so scared of your heart it’s beating me

and i’m so scared of your lips they are so soft

much too soft for me


but i don’t wanna be

the reason you’re living for

i don’t wanna be

the girl you’re giving more and more of your love

of your life of your love


you say  that we were meant to last forever

i was made for you and you were made for me

but i don’t wanna be

can’t you see i don’t wanna be your love


don’t you get it

i don’t wanna be

the reason you’re living for

i don’t wanna be the girl you’re giving more and more

of your love of life of your love of your life




she said that i was born on a special day

when the earth was open to a cosmic ray

she said that i was born on a special day

that made me like her right away


andromeda princess andromeda 

andromeda princess andromeda


have never seen her ever since 

and it’s already a long time ago

i guess that she has gone back home

back home to new mexico


her father half irish and half from brazil

her mother a cherokee

she liked everything from outerspace

was as beautiful as she could be

as beautiful as she could be


andromeda princess andromeda

andromeda princess andromeda


i said what are you doing what are you doing all day

she looked right through me 

and this is what she had to say


we are human beings not doings

human beings not doings

and what is time anyway


she sat down on the floor like she did the day before 

and stared out of the window

down on avenue B

was as beautiful as she could be


i know that one day you will rise up to the skies like remedios

and they will make you their queen 

and you’ll leave all behind and you will go to places

that no one has seen


andromeda princess andromeda


Steady and slow


sometimes I wonder

why it always takes so long

why I always gotta be strong

and patient


sometimes I wish I

I wish I had what other people have

wish I did what other people do

and I can’t


but than I recall

what a good friend once told me 

you got to remember where you’re from

and I’m a mountain girl

and the mountains are my home


and people, people from the mountains

they sure do know

if you want to reach the top

you - gotta walk slow


that’s the way to go

steady and slow


if you want to reach the top 

you gotta go - steady and slow


if you don’t want to loose your breath

you gotta go - steady and slow




Trust you ( I just don't know if I can trust you )


i found a hair on the floor

lying there

i could swear 

that i saw it before


black, thick and strong

what’s goin’ on

it’s not mine

mine is fine

it’s  lying down there on my floor


i just don’t know if i can trust you

i just don’t know if i can trust you

i just don’t know if i can trust you

i just don’t know if i can trust you


you say what do you mean

makin' a scene

it could as well have been you

who dragged that hair in on your shoe


you say what do you mean

makin' a scene

could be true

what should i do

should I decide to let it slide


i just don’t know if i can trust you

i just don’t know if i can trust you  

i know one day i’m gonna bust you

i just don’t know if i can trust you


what have i become

what have i become

the old me is gone

the old me is gone


eifersucht ist eine leidenschaft die mit eifer sucht was leiden schafft

I got feeling can’t find no healing

I got feeling can’t find no healing

i just don’t know


what have i become

what have i become

the old me is gone

the old me is gone 



Let me explain


i know that it takes time

for things to get refined

i know that it goes slow

for love to grow

yet today i think that what i feel for you couldn’t get any stronger

only to find out tomorrow that i couldn’t be possibly wronger


and i know that you know  know that you know 

and i know that i know  know that i know 

and you i know that you know  know that you know

know that i know


let me explain to you

that all you have to do

is just to ask me and i will stay

let me explain to you

that all you have to do is just to ask me

and i will stay forever and anothenr day


we haven’t seen the winter yet

we haven’t felt the cold

but baby i’m not scared at all

to show my soul unfold

you say bein’ in love so deep is dangerous

it can cause a lot of pain

i say you can live your life to the fullest

or you can live a life in vain


and i know that you know  know that you know 

know that i know  know that i know 

know that you know  know that you know 

we both know that this is the real thing 


no need to explain to you 

that all you have to do is just to ask me

and i will stay

no need to explain to you

that all you have to do is just to ask me

and i will stay forever and another day



Where is home


where is home

where do i belong

where is home

where do i belong  


gotta say goodbye

to say hello

and to arrive

first gotta go


do i go east

do i go west

don’t know no more

which way is best


i don’t know how

how is it so

but home is never

the way i go


home is where my heart is

but my heart is here nor there

my heart anywhere

my heart anywhere


i love you both

i love you dear

i love you more

when you’re not near  


and if i stay

for a bit too long

in just one place

i feel i don’t belong


and if stay

just one more day

my heart will burst

gotta go away ... now


home is where my heart is

but my heart is here nor there

my heart anywhere

my heart anywhere


and so i long

to know where i went wrong

and so i long

to know where i belong


where is home

where do i belong

where is home

where do i belong


Feel a little sorry for yourself   


why don’t you go why don’t you why 

don’t you go and feel a little sorry for yourself

why don’t you go why don’t you why 

don’t you go and feel a little sorry for yourself


yeah yeah yeah what else is new

yeah yeah yeah what can you do

yeah yeah yeah  whatever

someone’s always got it worse than you


if the tension gets all your attention don’t let the pain ache in vain

feel a little sorry for yourself

if you’re at it to ruin your credit why not just do as i say

feel a little storry for yourself


I’m the institution to give you the absolution to feel

a little sorry for yourself


why don’t you go why 

don’t you why don’t you go and feel a little sorry for yourself

why don’t you go why 

don’t you why don’t you go and feel a little sorry for yourself


recession special 24/ 7 

cocktail hour from 3 to 11

take full advantage and feel

a little sorry yourself


if hope is all that you’ve got 

you sure know that’s not a lot


who else will if not you 

so the least that you can do 

is feel a little sorry for yourself


I’m the institution to give you the absolution to feel

a little sorry for yourself



Don't give up on me


don't you give up on me

i just need a little bit more time

don't you give up on me

and i promise i'll be fine


do the right thing follow my heart

let it go make a new start

it's not easy to

do the right thing follow my heart

let it go make a new start

it's not easy when it hurts so bad

but i'm begging you

until i get over my pride


don't you give up on me

i just need a little bit more time

don't you give up on me

and i promise i'll be fine


do the right thing follow my heart

let it go make a new start

it's not easy to

do the right thing follow my heart

let it go make a new start

it's not easy when it hurts so bad

but i'm begging you

even if i hate you


Me fe tan pliji 

me fe tan pliji 

me fe tan pliji 

me fe tan pliji 


I’d like to swim in the ocean 

like to swim in the ocean

like to be in the deep blue sea


but all i have is a river

all i have is a river

much to wild and to cold is he


the ocean is far away

the ocean is far away

it’s all the way down in marseille


and if i jumped in the river

if i jumped in the river

he’d take me down to the deep blue sea


what i have ain’t what i want

what i want i do not have

what i have ain’t what i want

what i want i do not have


hey now i float down the river

now i float in down the river

who thought how much fun this could be


i want to start this all over

want to start this all over

go back to the top of the valley


hey marseille see you next season

i found myself a reason

i found myself a good reason to stay


hey marseille see you next year 

i think i’m gonna  stay right here 

gonna stay right here in my valais dear


me fe tan pliji - ovalais bavalais

me fe tan pliji - ovalais bavalais 


As if


so i put my feet into the warm sand

watching beautiful people walk by hand in hand

they all seem happy having a lot of fun

and i pick up my book to read chapter one

and there it goes


hi how are you what’s your name

where are you from how long to you stay

hi how are you what’s your name

where are you from how long do you stay

do you like rio

do you like rio

você gosta do rio


so i go to the museum of modern art

to do some cultural stuff to play my tourist part

there approaches mister intellectual

he wants to chat me up i could tell

and there it goes


hi how are you...


and i am always walking

as if i knew my way

i am always walking 

as if i knew my way

i cross the streets by red light

don’t wait as the tourists do

i’ve taken off all my band aids

no more bruises from the summer shoes

and my skin is getting darker day by day

and i am always walking as if i knew my way

i am always walking 

to avoid the usual


hi how are you what’s your name

where are you from how long do you stay


oi qual e seu nome 

de onde e você 

quanto tempo vai ficar

você gosta do rio

eu gosto de você


Now and from now on


you got dreams 

they are closer then it seems

you got plans

got to keep them in your hands


take a stand

got to make them understand

you mean action

instigating chaine reaction


'cause baby baby

now and from now on

it’s your  time it’s your time 

now and and from now on


now and from now on

the world is yours the world is mine

now and and from now on


you start with an imagination

get over your inhibition

and then you take the first step 

before you take the second one

don’t you just love anticipation

the promise of a new creation

it ain’t easy but it’s not that hard

if you believe that you can start it

take the first step before you take the second one


like i said

i got you your back just go ahead

i got love for you baby

it’s a yes not no or maybe


i’m on your side

i got the ticket for the ride

we got dreams

they are closer then it seems


now and from now on

it’s your  time it’s your time 

now and and from now on


now and from now on

the world is yours the world is mine

now and and from now on